The Undertaker’s Daughter by John James Minster

A monster story Mary Shelly would be proud of. The Undertaker’s Daughter is a chilling horror novel that follows the story of Anna Dingel, a socially awkward teenager who is raised in a family funeral home. The author does an excellent job of setting the right atmosphere from the beginning and keeps the tension high …

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Humanity @ 13% – Chapter One (six of six)

‘I feel sick,’ Rosie said. ‘And it hurts when I breathe. What’s wrong with me?’ ‘You’ve been diagnosed with Chronic Pulmonary Obstructive Disease.’ ‘What’s that?’ ‘It doesn’t matter because that’s not what you have.’ ‘It isn’t?’ ‘No, the doctors believe that your respiratory system has had a severe reaction to the nitrogen oxides in the …

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Existential Alien Horror

It’s not as bad as it seems Photo by David Fagundes on Aliens, horror, and existentialism are perfect bed-fellows, and as a literary combination, they take some beating. Existentialists believe that we’re born without purpose into a world that makes no sense, a world without meaning, where god herself is dead, and there’s generally …

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